On national environment fund

The national environment fund is the only financial institution specializing in environmental matters in the country. This fund was founded based on the experiences of the countries successful in the improvement of the environment and according to fourth and fifth economic, social, and cultural development plans in the aftermath of the glorifying revolution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is, according to many environmental experts and pundits, believed to be one of Iran’s cornerstones and chief achievements in environmental matters following the revolution.

This fund seriously embarked on its activities as an executive department under the policy making of seven ministers with a nature of public development from the late the 90s S.H (from 2016 onward) and carries on its activity by three instruments—granting loans, (direct or cooperative) investment, and financial support for projects or reducing pollutants and preventing environmental destruction and wildlife insurance.

The scope of the activity of this fund concerns about the elimination and prevention of water, soil, air and waste contamination and advocates the development of renewable energies, natural tourism plans and new and knowledge-based technologies for the environment of Iran.

The fund is sponsored by public, natural or legal entities, domestic and international donations.

Governmental aids are delivered to this fund within the arrangements of Iran’s budget and program organization and according to the law of public accounting and individual aids within the framework of social responsibility guidelines (ISO 26000).

This fund is believed to be among the foremost executive institutions that received financial aids and is endowed with a social responsibility policy enacted and notified by the first vice president and the chairman of the Environmental protection Organization.

It is one of the few executive institutions affiliated to the executive, which has succeeded in achieving acceptable financial statements from Iran’s auditing organization for two consecutive years (2021-2022), and it made public its performance report as of 2021.

Like a kind mother, nature nourishes man in her bosom and generously furnish him with her all assets, so be kind to our environment.

Protecting nature is a gift from the present to the next generation.

Sustainable life means harmony and compatibility with nature.

We have not inherited nature from our fathers, we take it up temporarily from our children.

Protecting the environment is to inject a fresh and joyful spirit into life.

Let’s write environment, and read life.